The flag's been hijacked and turned into a logo--the trademark of a monopoly on patriotism. --Bill Moyers
We've been hearing the word, "Patriot," thrown around quite a lot lately. But, as with many words, its real meaning has been twisted to suit a political agenda. Those who do this remind me of Vizzini in The Princess Bride; they keep using that word but it does not mean what they think it means. They've adapted many words to their purpose, words like "socialism," "Marxism" and "communism." Ask them for specific examples of these words and they come up blank. Because they don't know what those words really mean.
So it is with "patriot." Oh, they think they know what it means but their definition is colored by their own biases. They call people like the GOP Reps who fled Oregon, and the armed thugs who came to their sides, patriots. Patrick Henry would've laughed in their faces and George Washington would have arrested the whole lot. The right-wing is full of scofflaws with no real love of country in their hearts, no real allegiance to anything but their ideology. They are not patriots, they are chauvinists. And certain current inhabitants of Washington, D.C. are leading the bunch.
What is a real patriot, then? I have made the following list with a firm basis in the Constitution and U.S. law. Admittedly, it is colored by my own beliefs but those are not without historical precedent.
A real Patriot --
- knows that the Founding Fathers created a representative democracy, allowing for the people to elect officials to levy taxes and make laws and regulations on their behalf.
- understands the rule of law and why it can only be challenged in a court of law. They accept the duty of serving on a jury and try to fulfill that duty, not treat it like a bother.
- understands that the 2nd Amendment was written in the 18th century, long before the age of automatic weapons and takes this into account. That the right to bear arms does not mean every American has a license to own an arsenal of military-grade weapons. Respects the opinion of those who question the intent of the Founders in regards to this Amendment. Can engage in discussion about this without calling one another names or disrespecting each other. Understands that the 2nd Amendment does not supersede other rights of their fellow Americans.
- does not threaten to raise arms against the federal government simply because their candidate did not win an election. Or because they dislike the person who did win. Or because they disagree with that person. A Patriot accepts election results unless there is solid evidence not to.
- does not engage in threats against elected officials because they disagree or dislike them. See points one and two.
- does not make spurious charges against officials in an attempt to disgrace or unseat them.
- understands that elections can't be nullified on a whim. That, while they may disagree with the outcome, their fellow Americans have rightfully and legally exercised their voting rights. A Patriot understands that we change things by voting, peaceful assembly, free speech and petitioning the government and that Congress holds the sole responsibility of trying any President for impeachment.
- does not try to void or strip away the votes of fellow Americans. A Patriot knows that voting is one of our most sacred rights and duties. That it should be exercised at every opportunity and that all Americans should be encouraged to do the same.
- does not call their fellow Americans un-American simply because they belong to a different political party or ideology. A Patriot can debate civilly without resorting to such tactics.
- understands that the taxes they pay are vital to keeping America running. That the monies collected go to national defense, infrastructure, education, public safety, safety net programs and everything that makes it possible for us to function as a modern society. A Patriot knows that we don't always get to choose where our tax money goes, which is why we elect people to spend it as we see fit.
- knows that ALL Americans are protected by the Constitution and understands that race, gender, religion or sexual orientation do not nullify this protection. That their disapproval of another American is not grounds to strip them of these rights and protections.
- understands that America is not a Christian nation. That laws are not to be made based on that religion's -- or any religion's -- beliefs and/or dogma. A Patriot understands that the Founding Fathers believed that the separation of church and state is implicit in the 1st Amendment.
- accepts the proven history of America, with all its beauty and ugliness. Does not attempt to revise that history to fit their ideology, faith or beliefs.
- does not say: "My country, right or wrong" but, rather: "My country; when it is wrong I will work to change that." This is what makes Americans exceptional, not chauvanistic belligerance, arrogance and blind allegiance.
- knows that money does not make one American better or worse than any other. That corporations are not people and should not be placed above actual people in the eyes of the law. Nor should they carry more electoral weight than the people. A Patriot knows that America's real strength lies in its people.
- understands that our fellow Americans sometimes need help, through no fault of their own. A Patriot does not disparage them or look down on them or begrudge them the aid our government can temporarily provide. A Patriot, conversely, does not defraud the government or commit crimes to obtain federal aid.
- does not automatically agree with everything put forward by their political party, ideology, group or spokesperson. A Patriot carefully gathers information from objective sources, considers all of it and then decides. They can think for themselves and do so.
- believes that the system of check and balances can work only when all branches of government work in the interests of the American people, That, when one branch betrays that trust, this is grounds for losing their offices.
- knows about the Constitution and other important American documents. That these are the basis of our government and part of our history. That every American should know about them and have a basic understanding of what they say.
- understands that America is a diverse country. That it is composed of many different cultures, races, faiths and beliefs. That we need to respect and honor these differences that make America strong.
- understands that America is not perfect but loves it so much that they want it to be.
I realize that everyone may not agree with every point, but hope that disagreement is not based on ideology. This country was not built on ideology, it was built on the idea that every American is equal. That we are all free to pursue happiness as we see it, as long as that pursuit does not violate the rights of others. We should all be the caretakers of each others rights for, if they can be stripped from someone else, they can just as easily be stripped from you. We are all the guardians of this gift given to us by the Founders. It is a precious gift. Let's not destroy it.